
foto Libreria Erasmus
foto Libreria Erasmus


There are three cities within  the historical centre of Pisa;  three parallel communities, the permanent citizens, the provisional students and the temporary tourists. There are not many places where they often come into contact: in some main streets, sometimes in a pub but  every day they can be found in the Erasmus bookshop.

Opened in December 2013 in front of the Department of Languages less than three hundred meters from the Leaning Tower, the Erasmus bookshop offers readers a wide variety of choice. Inside you can find many fictional, classical and contemporary books, in the original language or translated.   There are also books on  poetry, linguistics, history, philosophy, current affairs, human sciences and literary essays. Among the most sought after books are those in the  original language but there also language learning text books, not only of course for English, French, German, Russian, Spanish but also Portuguese, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbia, Greek, Romanian, Swedish, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Swahili and Sanskrit. There is no shortage of Italian reference books for foreigners, a selection of children's books and volumes on local cuisine available in several  foreign languages. A feature of the library is the dedication to local interest, from the guides for tourists to major in-depth books on the history and literature of Pisa. Whatever  book you are looking for can be ordered through a service that focuses exclusively on the individual customer's needs and requirements.

A place where you can find not only a variety of literature, but also a wide range of proposals to produce culture. In autumn and spring we organize poetic narrative writing courses and communication as well as book presentations and poetry readings that are followed during the course of the year.

Libreria Erasmus, Libreria Pisa

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Piazza Cavallotti 9
56126 Pisa (PI)

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